Regional Office for Capacity Building for the World Customs Organization Europe Region

  • English
  • Русский

On 23 June 2016, Head of ROCB Europe Mr. Roger HERMANN and Technical Attaché Mr. Ali Murat PALA visited the Customs Administration of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) for a workshop on Needs Assessment.

The representatives of ROCB Europe first visited the Regional Training Center in Skopje located in Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. A short meeting with the Dean was held and the premises were visited.


Afterwards, representatives of ROCB Europe were taken to the premises of the customs administration in order to get together with the customs officials. The workshop started with opening speeches that was followed by the introduction of participants.

Mr. Hermann made a presentation on the Introduction of WCO and its Missions as well as Regional Approach for Capacity Building.

Presentation on the Introduction of ROCB Europe was made by Mr. Pala.

Following the presentations, the needs assessment document of Customs Administration of FYROM was discussed and then a group discussion of what future activities (workshops, trainings, seminars, etc.) could be carried out for the Customs Administration of FYROM was held.

By this workshop, the participants had the chance to meet the ROCB Europe representatives in person and to have one-to-one communication chance to submit their ideas, requests and needs. This has been quite a fruitful work for the start of future cooperation among Balkan countries in capacity building.