Successful Train the Trainers Workshop Organized by the ROCB Europe
A Train the Trainers Workshop was conducted at the Regional Training Center in Khmelnitsky, Ukraine from 25 to 29 November 2019.
The event was organized by the ROCB Europe in close cooperation with the WCO Secretariat which benefited the customs officials of the State Fiscal Service (SFS) of Ukraine. A total of 15 customs officials were trained by the WCO Secretariat, six of which were attending from different regional offices in Ukraine.
The workshop enhanced the participants' capacities with a view to acting as a competency builder and delivering appropriate training using best practices as well as contributing to the organizational performance of the SFS by a strategic and targeted training aiming at developing staff competencies in different fields.
The event supported the Ukraine Customs in having high-level trainers with the necessary competencies to contribute to the competency development process which included improving the trainers' capabilities on preparing, facilitating, and evaluating training sessions in their particular fields.
Within the scope of the event, the ROCB Europe and the WCO Secretariat also had the opportunity to be informed about the expertise of the Regional Training Center of Khmelnitsky on various customs fields which included training of scan systems operators, human resources development, combating illegal cross-border movement of cultural heritage, intellectual property rights, canine services and prevention of transboundary environment offenses.
The ROCB Europe is keen on organizing further capacity building activities in close cooperation with the WCO Secretariat for the Customs Administrations in the WCO Europe Region.