Regional Office for Capacity Building for the World Customs Organization Europe Region

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  • Русский

Our Work & Projects

The ROCB Europe is the beacon for the work of customs capacity building activities in the WCO Europe Region. It aims at enhancing capacities of Customs Administrations in paving the way for more secure and simplified customs processes and international trade operations.

The ROCB Europe is functioning in the context of its Strategic Framework which is also in line with the WCO’s Strategic Plan as well as its regionalization approach. The Strategic Framework of the ROCB Europe includes, among others, mission and vision statements, values and strategic goals.

We pursue our goals in the context of the Strategic Framework and corresponding Execution Program, which is accompanied by Annual Work Plan constructed in a way to achieving the goals on the basis of results-based management.


  Capacity Building Delivery Support

We assist Customs Administrations in their quest for institutional development and modernization by supporting customs capacity building missions in the context of WCO processes.

  Informative and Knowledge Sharing Events

We organize and lead regional events for Member Administrations in order to strengthen knowledge, share best practices and experiences.

  Regional Annual Meetings

We arrange and hold annual regional meetings in close cooperation with the WCO Secretariat such as WCO Europe Region National Contact Points Meeting and Meeting of the Regional Structures of the WCO Europe Region.

  Coronavirus Bulletin

We reacted soon after the outbreak of the disease by providing an all-in-one gateway “Coronavirus Bulletin” for colleagues and Member Administrations. The Bulletin stands as a hub for being updated and reaching information sources from one access point includes current news with regard to pandemic on customs and trade, guideline documents by international organizations, a live map of Covid-19 information, live feeds from the World Health Organization, and direct links to Covid-19 dedicated pages of the prominent international organizations, primarily the World Customs Organization.

  ROCB Europe Analytics

We developed and designed ROCB Europe Analytics, a database which includes substantial information about customs, trade and economy as well as indices encompassing all the Members in the WCO Europe Region. The platform includes data compiled from publicly available resources from the WCO, the World Bank and World Economic Forum.

  e-Training Module

We established an e-Training Module on our web site. This newly added section includes WCO materials in a variety of topics both in English and Russian languages as well as visual trainings from the ROCB Europe and its partners. The platform presents 7/24 availability for customs officials to increase their knowledge.

  Build & Strengthen Partnerships

A closer partnership between the ROCB Europe and related organizations is considered as a step for further deepening the efforts for upholding the quality of customs services in our region. We reach out and engage with stakeholders with a view to establishing a setting for cooperation, information-sharing, mutual understanding and joint events.

  Regional Matters

We pay close attention to regional developments and also provide a knowledge hub on our web site for Member Administrations. We also initiate, retain and update necessary resources including but not limited to List of Contact Points and Regional Experts Database.

  RTC Enhancement

We work toward enhancement of Regional Training Centers in the WCO Europe Region in an effort to scale up their roles and ensuring uniform practices for effective operating.

   Outreach & Communications

We keep an updated news section, produce flyers, brochures, presentations, newsletters, review articles, and provide an Official Documents Gateway, among others, while benefiting from corporate design and delivering bilingual correspondence EN/RU.

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For complete and detailed report of activities by the ROCB Europe, please review Annual Progress Reports which are available on the Final Reports section in Official Documents Gateway.