Regional Office for Capacity Building for the World Customs Organization Europe Region

  • English
  • Русский

A virtual meeting was held between the Regional Office for Capacity Building for the World Customs Organization Europe Region (ROCB Europe) and the Office of the WCO Europe Region Vice-Chair on 25 November 2021.

Issues of common interest and topics in the frame of regional matters were taken into consideration during the consultative meeting.

It was noted during the consultation that there is great potential to support the successful development of the countries of the region in the field of customs, to deepen cooperation in capacity building, and it is in the interests of both sıdes to use these opportunities and conduct regular exchanges of experience.

It was stressed that cooperation between the two sides is based on good foundations and set the stage for further development, with the emphasis on vitality of cooperation in capacity building for WCO Europe region.

Vice-Chair's Office stated that the activities of the ROCB in the region has been closely followed with much appreciation.

Possible further joint actitivies and cooperative initiatives were also evaluated during the virtual meeting.