Региональное бюро по созданию потенциала для Всемирной таможенной организации Регион Европы

  • English
  • Русский

Following the decision taken at the World Customs Organization (WCO) Europe Region Heads of Customs Conference held on 25-26 April 2019 in Saint Petersburg, the leadership at the Regional Office for Capacity Building for the World Customs Organization Europe Region (ROCB Europe) has changed.

Mr. Eser ÇENGEL, seconded by the Republic of Turkey to the ROCB Europe took office as of 1 June 2019, through a smooth transition owing to the joint work in conjuction with his predecessor Mr. Roger HERMANN, seconded by Switzerland, who completed his four-year term at the ROCB Europe leadership. 

ROCB Europe is highly thankful to Mr. HERMANN for his great service as well as delicate and comprehensive work performed throughout his mandate which contributed to modernization efforts of Customs Administrations in the WCO Europe Region.

ROCB Europe is one of the six regional offices worldwide primarily focusing on the customs capacity building activities within the direction of WCO guidance and related instruments. The Office is extensively supported by the host Member Administartion, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
