Региональное бюро по созданию потенциала для Всемирной таможенной организации Регион Европы

  • English
  • Русский

The World Customs Organization in close cooperation with the Regional Office for Capacity Building for the World Customs Organization Europe Region (ROCB Europe) organized a virtual National Workshop on Customs Valuation for Customs Officials of Turkmenistan.

The workshop was held online from 26 to 30 July 2021 and was facilitated by a member of the WCO Secretariat and a pre-accredited expert trainer from Latvia. At the opening ceremony, the importance of Customs valuation in revenue collection was highlighted and the participants were encouraged to enrich their knowledge during the event.

the WTO Valuation Agreement, transaction value, alternative methods of valuation and explored several aspects of Customs valuation including valuation controls and advance rulings. They were also introduced to the tools and instruments developed under the Revenue Package. The participants also had the opportunity to examine practical cases and to discuss specific valuation issues encountered in their daily practice.


Turkmenistan Valuation WS July 2021