Региональное бюро по созданию потенциала для Всемирной таможенной организации Регион Европы

  • English
  • Русский

WCO Europe Region Heads of Customs Conference was held from 24 to 27 April 2019 in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. 

40 Customs Administrations, WCO Secretariat, ROCB Europe and RILOs in the WCO Europe Region participated to the Conference. Transit systems compatibility, strategic plan, governance, representation, WCO regional customs laboratories and development of a WCO performance system were among the topics that were taken into consideration. 

As was in the last WCO Europe Region Heads of Customs Conference in 2018, delegates were able to access all necessary meeting documents through ROCB Europe web site. 

Russian Federation, as the Vice-Chair of the region and the host of the event, received appreciation due to well-organized Conference.

The Conference formally approved the next Director of ROCB Europe as well as welcomed the upcoming Vice-Chair of the region, Azerbaijan Customs.
